April 8, 2020

Meditation Minute

So right now our yoga and meditation practice is more important than ever. The skills that we develop on the mat, as we move, breathe and stay present, is our oasis during this ongoing public health emergency. A vehicle to help us drop out of anxious thoughts, silence the what if’s and help us to manage our fears and worries. Our practice can be the steady pillar that keeps us lifted during this unsettling period. But what about those times in between when we roll our mats away? We still have to go about our daily activities and fulfil our responsibilities as much as we can. So with this in mind, here is something that I have been thinking about recently and would absolutely like to share with you.

A Meditation Minute.

This follows on from an idea called ‘Attention Training’. A mindfulness technique designed to help you tune into the present moment. When we are in the now our worries and anxieties have less power. They dominate less of our headspace…

“All you ever have to deal with, cope with in real life is this moment…Ask yourself what problem do you have right now, not next year, tomorrow or five minutes from now. What is wrong with this moment? You can always cope with now but you can never cope with the future, nor do you have to…the strength, the right action or the resource will be there when you need it, not before, not after.” Eckhart Tolle.

To take part in this meditation minute you don’t need any meditation experience, you don’t need to sit on the floor cross legged and you can do it any time, anywhere. All you need is access to an experience which encourages you to tap into as many physical senses as possible.

So let me share my meditation minute of choice…

I have two cats and they are often central to my meditation minute! So, when I sit with them I use my sight to find presence in the light that shines off their fur, their deep amber yellow eyes and their characterful faces. I feel the weight of their body on my lap and I feel their warmth and their energy in my presence. I take a moment to feel the touch of their soft fur and hear the low tempo of their purr. They are not part of this human health emergency. As some of the most renowned solitary creatures they would probably always choose to socially distance themselves. At least one of my cats hardly ever goes outside and I’m sure she is confused as to why I am suddenly around a whole lot more and keep grabbing her randomly for my meditation minute!

Here are some other suggestions for those of you who do not have pets…

Sit with a fresh cup of coffee, cacao, tea or matcha and savour every last sniff and sip, try a hot bath with lavender oil and candles, even just walk outside for a moment and pause on your doorstep, tuning into the connection of your feet with the ground below, the colours of spring around you, the sounds of birds celebrating the days getting longer and the feel of a light breeze on your cheek.

This too shall pass. Our current situation will not last forever, but right now whilst things are so intense and ever-changing let’s try to be kind, serve and support each other and maintain our Heather Yoga community to make sure that we are long lasting!”