The Science Behind Yoga Nidra and Why You Should Try To Include It In Your Lockdown Routine
Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation, a method of Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) that allows you to scan the body and tap into a state of relaxed consciousness as the mind settles in a place between wakefulness and sleep.
However too much of this can be linked with increased anxiety, poor sleep and general health problems, including a lowered immune system.
The benefits of Yoga Nidra
When you start Yoga Nidra, your brain is generally in an active state of beta waves, a natural transitional experience as you start to slow down and press pause on your day. The meditative practice then takes you into an alpha state, the brain wave frequency that links conscious thought with the subconscious mind.
We recommend that you try to practice Yoga Nidra at least once a week. (Heather and Ellie prefer mid afternoon!) It can be used to reboot your day, allowing the body and mind to recalibrate.
We include Yoga Nidra in our 6 week Beginners Mind: An Introduction to Meditation Basics course and we also have our regular workshops such as Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra, and flowing into Stillness: Vinyasa & Yoga Nidra. www.heatheryoga.co.uk/workshops