December 30, 2020

Reflecting under the light of the Moon.

Tomorrow brings us a Super Moon – named the ‘Super Flower Moon’ and the final super moon of this year! I’m hoping the clear skies of late remain so we can get to experience its full vastness & luminosity. For me – the Full Moon & New Moon provide an opportunity to have a little inventory and check in with myself to see how I am arriving at those points in the month – physically, mentally, emotionally, a time to reflect on previous weeks with how I’ve been treating myself and interacting with those around me, where I need to put more focus on (things that come up are around sleep, diet, exercise, self development & management, creativity, my business, relationships, etc), and how things have changed since the previous full moon/s. Whereas New Moon is said to be a time of planting seeds and newness – the Full Moon is associated with a time of Letting Go of things that are no longer serving you, so this becomes the theme in this practice. This idea may or may not resonate with you, but regardless I feel the lunar cycle provides us the time to pause and look at how we are getting on. So each Full Moon provides me with a picture of where I am and what I’m working on releasing. Month after month the same things may come up, but I get the chance to evaluate whether I’ve moved forwards with some of these things, need to bring more focus to them day to day, and sometimes I find that something has dropped away completely!

This is how I do my Moon ritual:
I prefer to do my check in during the evening – before I sleep whilst sitting up in bed and feeling super cosy, I get quiet for a short time and reflect. I close my eyes and focus on slowing the breath and creating space mentally, sometimes I might have a candle and incense lit, and there’s always a cup of herbal tea ( I love Relax tea by Pukka!) by my side. I then record in a journal those things I’m working on & releasing. I also try to give myself a few pointers for the next few days to bring focus and energy to some keys areas I’m working on, so they of service to my overall intentions & vision – making sure these are written in a liberating rather than limiting narrative. Why not give it a go to and share with us your experience.

Check out the HY New Intentions Workshop & Coaching Sessions here – our BRAND NEW series of inspiring sessions to allow you to powerfully step into 2021 with clarity, magnitude & steadiness for long lasting transformation.