Hey everyone,
Following on from our big announcement last week, we are sharing some more information with you about the planned grand reopening on 15th August*, and I wanted to firstly say THANK YOU for all the kind words that have been shared about you missing the space and how much you’re looking forward to us being back together there soon.
The building is feeling & looking extra stunning thanks to Dan at Dandelion Cafe and Margaret aka My Mum who have been busy working their magic with cleaning, painting, carpentery and adding special new features! We’ve also included an outdoor seating area for cafe hours which is available for enjoying takeaways now in the sunshine before Dandelion reopens for dining inside on 8th August. (One week before Heather Yoga).
Ellie and Clair (our super Angels!) & I are continuing to plug away behind the scenes to prepare us for welcoming you back, and we’d to share some more information with you about what we’re doing to help keep you safe, supported, and comfortable. Please take some time to look at our health & safety map here:
Moving forwards we’ll be offering three ways you’ll be able to practise with us:
1. In person at our yoga centre.
2. Online via a live streaming link of our in person classes.
3. Existing online classes we’ve been offering the past 4 months – broadcast live from the teachers homes and shala 2 at our centre.
We will be soon announcing our timetable for classes from 15th August* and classes will be available for booking up to 1 week prior to the sessions. In the meantime all our classes continue as live streams and here is our current timetable.
*15th August is our planned reopening date and this is subject to Government restrictions which have been announced and brought in today.
Look out for further news coming to you in the week!
Have a lovely weekend, keep practicing and we look forward to us all coming together physically & virtually in the shala and online.

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