October 7, 2020

Do you change any of your daily habits during Autumn?

Here are some simply and effective reminders and suggestions to help you feel a little more grounded this season 🙂

I can’t wait to share more on this in Autumn Flow & Deep Relaxation Online workshop on Sunday 18th October 4-6pm at Heather Yoga.

  • Start each day with 8 full breaths to energise.
  • Dry skin body brushing/moisturising.
  • Meditate for 10 mins daily – count the breaths – to clear the mind.
  • Eat healthy comfort foods. Eat Spicy and Aromatic Foods –since our Lungs are most vulnerable this time of year, it is important to eat foods to help protect them. The spicy flavour is particularly helpful in helping ward off the dreaded sniffles. Drink ginger and turmeric tea. Incorporate some cardamom and cloves into your stews. At the very first onset of symptoms of feeling sick, chew down a clove of raw garlic. Enjoy a Chai tea latte.
  • Eat Your Minerals – cultivate the healthy minerals in your body through food such as beans, lentils, dark leafy greens, fish, and seeds. We all need balanced levels of trace minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium.
  • Hold onto your principles and keep your commitments.
  • Be consciously enthusiastic and positive.
  • Wear warmer clothes!
  • Monitor areas of your life where you may be pushing yourself too much by setting or expecting unreasonable standards of others and yourself. Consider your self worth.
  • Go through your closet, desk, garage, medicine cabinet – any cluttered storage area-and discard what you no longer need. Then donate, sell, or otherwise circulate what might be of value to others.
  • Do a mental inventory: Examine attitudes (prejudices, envies, hatreds, jealousies, resentments) stored within your psyche. When possible, contact those with whom you harbour old “stuff.” Attempt to resolve the hurtful old issues, and then let them go. For issues you cannot resolve directly with others, or for old issues with yourself, write them on paper, being as specific as possible. Then burn the paper, symbolically releasing the content.
  • Take time each day to breathe slowly and deeply. As you inhale the clean autumn air, feel yourself energised and purified. Feel the old negativity, impurity, and pain leave your body and psyche. Then contemplate briefly who you are without these identifications.

You can book onto Debs workshop through this link: www.heatheryoga.co.uk/workshops/#autumnflow Debs also teaches a regular Seasonal Flow class every Wednesday at 5.15pm