When is the best time to do Yoga?
The truth is, there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to which time of the day we should aspire to roll out our mat. Each of us have different rhythms and energy patterns, which can change and fluctuate depending on our individual circumstances and the time of year, therefore it’s essential that we take our own personal wants and needs into consideration, when deciphering what time we should aim to set aside for our yoga practise.
There are many reasons why some yoga disciplines, such as Ashtanga, advocate an early morning practise, which is traditionally carried out before sun rise, and this is certainly a much more practical option these days, given the increase in demand for online yoga, which has skyrocketed this year, while also catapulting a rather welcome ‘yoga in pyjamas’ trend! Instead of hitting that snooze button one too many times, rolling out of bed and jumping straight onto our mat can provide unlimited benefits. There’s a reason why we have an instinctive impulse to stretch when we wake up; it’s our body’s way of releasing and loosening tightness which can accumulate overnight, and practising yoga in the morning significantly boosts this regenerative process, while alleviating any aches and pains. Chances are you’ll also imminently start to notice tangible positive changes in your mood throughout your day, which can include enhanced mental clarity and reduced stress levels.
While it can be tempting to stay glued to our laptops during our designated lunch hour, it’s proven that taking a break can make all of the difference to productivity and energy levels in the afternoon, and with many of us set to work from home for the foreseeable future, it’s a great opportunity to take some time away from the glare of our screens, and get moving on the mat. Lunchtime yoga is a great way to ease any mental tension and refocus your mind for the remainder of the day, while also addressing the physical implications of being hunched over your desk.
Aside from the fact that most of us have more free time in the evening, practising later on in the day is preferential for those people who categorically don’t do mornings! Night time yoga is the perfect way to wind down and let go of any residual tension that you may be carrying around following a stressful day. You may notice that you spend an extended period of time in savasana in your evening practise, due to the profound relaxation that this final resting pose offers, while also allowing our nervous system to reside in a rest-and-digest mode, thus promoting a restful night’s sleep.
With regular new additions to our diverse timetable, and both studio and online options available, it’s now easier than ever to start mixing up your routine and experimenting with practising at different times throughout the day, to help you optimise your overall well being. In our up and coming ‘Stress and Anxiety Yogi Support System’ 3-week program (starting Saturday 7th November), we’ll be addressing this topic in more detail. Each week, we’ll be focussing on a different part of the day, offering you tools and techniques to build resilience in the morning, regulate during the day and replenish in the evening. Click here for more information and to book your spot.