October 24, 2024

Join me for a mix of yoga poses, movement, breath, and Yoga Nidra meditation in the upcoming ’Flowing Into Stillness’ on 14th March 11am-12.30pm

In Stillness We Receive

When I’m really struggling to find clarity with making a decision (which has been a big theme in my life and is an ongoing practice!), or when I’m feeling unsettled and disturned mentally & emotionally – its usually because my head is so full and I’m residing in the busyness of it.

Its like the surface of the mind is moving so fast & furious and swirling around, and I’m being thrown around by all the chaos, letting the choppy waves of thoughts toss me in all directions, and taking me further out of & away from the island of my body & heart.

If I’m unconscious of what is happening – I can end up staying in the turbulence which can feel exhausting, and is no way helpful for shifting my mental and emotional state, and arriving at a place of knowing.

But I can make the conscious choice to shift & anchor.

To take what I know and practice it. To find space and get still. Maybe with a walk, or a run, or a yoga practice or all these first before I can settle and sit. Maybe I can take my seat and practice some breathing techniques to carry me into the meditation. Or just land on cushion straight away & close my eyes. Whatever allows me to drop down, sink deep beneath the surface mind, to ground and settle in to stillness.

In that calm clear space the answers are revealed – inside of us.

The ‘Know’ chapter of Glennon Doyle’s book ‘Untamed’ recently reminded me of this – she beautifully describes her discovery of meditation and realising that rescuing herself is the sinking down away from the chaos and into a place of stillness & knowing. I totally laughed out loud as I related to her experience before she discovered meditation; being so stuck with a decision in life that she types into Google the question about the situation in desperate hope for the answer. Me too! There’s been similar occurrences when I’ve got so congested & clouded mentally, and manic with trying to know what to do – asking everyone around me and the internet!

Yoga teaches us about slowing down the fluctuations of the mind. To find the steadiness & ease. To sit in our heart and intuition and be guided. The answers are not outside of us, (or on google!)

In the stillness we receive.

Join us for a mix of yoga poses, movement, breath, and Yoga Nidra meditation or Yin in our ’Flowing Into Stillness’ workshops.

Heather x