July 26, 2021

Sometimes it feels like there are so many different options available in the yoga practice. As a beginner practitioner this can get confusing and even a little daunting. So do you have your feet together or apart in this simple but very key pose?

Having your feet under your hips works well for the majority of people as it’s a more natural stance and can help you feel more stable, spacious and secure – compared to feet together which is a narrower base to balance the body weight across. Everyone has a unique anatomy with individual proportions and so the spacing between the feet can look very different across many bodies.

The feet together could work just fine too for many people and can help to build awareness of the inner arches of each foot, connect to our centre and add a challenge to our balance. Sometimes it is nice to bring the feet together before we move into a narrow stance in a chair pose which can also be a great set up if you are moving into a twist.

Build your own checklist of how you want to skillfully align your body and take responsibility on the mat in our upcoming Yoga Booster: Master Class series-starting Wednesday 21st July and running until Saturday 28th August. Full Details Here

Ready to make this official and invest in your own professional development?! Our Heather Yoga Teacher Training Course (held online and in our Yoga Centre in Saltaire, West Yorkshire) starts again this Autumn. It’s an amazing opportunity to learn more about yourself, your body, your capabilities and your strength. Register your interest here