November 15, 2021

This weekend the clocks change, and on this occasion, that means that we ‘gain’ an hour in the morning! Happy slow Sunday to us. Time management often comes up as an obstacle to us seizing the habits/lifestyle we would like to participate in more. We are here to help.

5 top tips for ‘saving time’

1.Combine your social time with something else important to you like being in nature, practicing yoga or doing exercise. Instead of meeting a friend in a coffee shop, run to the café together or meet for a walk through the autumn leaves or attend the same yoga class then follow with lunch to chat. Our connections are often even more fruitful when we can experience something together.

2. Within the home, have one bin and one laundry basket. Instead of collecting 5 different bins or baskets to then sort, it means everyone in the home takes responsibility for putting their waste/washing into the one assigned spot so that when it comes to taking the bin out/doing the washing, it’s all there, ready to go.

3. After shopping, prepare the food before it goes into the fridge. Take off any leaves (e.g. beetroot, strawberries, carrot) and skins (e.g. butternut squash, corn, pineapple) that you won’t be using of foods that will be eaten in the next couple of days. You can then wash and slice them (where appropriate) and pop into containers in the fridge. Cooking or preparing breakfasts will become a whole lot lighter on the mind and much quicker too!

4. While the kettle is boiling, open a window, put away any dishes on the draining board, sweep the floor and water the plants. In just 2 minutes, the kitchen feels a whole lot more vibrant!

5. Logout of social media networks if feeling strapped for time. We often have no idea how much head space and physical time we take up by scrolling through the internet. It’s exhausting (virtually) meeting hundreds of people a day and makes sense that you would feel tired if doing so. You may be amazed at how much time and energy you regain by releasing the grip on Instagram, Facebook, Tok-tok and/or Twitter. They will be there for whenever you feel like you have extra time.

We’ll be sharing so much more in a very exciting offering that we are about to announce soon, to help you shift from feeling overwhelmed by time pressures and over tired from the challenges of daily life – to an inner place of feeling grounded, vibrant and peaceful. More on this soon. Stay tuned and sign up to our newsletter to hear about our latest offerings first.