March 5, 2024

Who are you?

Your personal yoga practice is an opportunity to awaken your awareness and the relationship you have with yourself.

Self Inquiry & study of self is one of the key teachings from Yoga, which we can learn with The Yoga Sutras (one of the ancient texts on the theory & practice of Yoga).

If you’d like to understand how you can apply these ancient practices to your modern life, join me for a BRAND NEW course for bringing your Yoga off the mat – with conversation, ancient wisdom and practice for enhancing your everyday life.

Explore an introduction to key concepts & teachings from within traditional Yoga philosophy in the ‘Living Yoga: Connecting With Yourself’ online course.

🔆Saturday 23rd March – Saturday 27th April
🔆10:30 – 11:45am
🔆With Heather live online from Goa

Find out more here:

Heather x