The yoga practice is so much more than just the asana element. Ahimsa, the first of the yamas, a key principle in yoga, emphasises non-violence and compassion towards oneself and others. In our yoga practice, it means being mindful of your physical limits, avoiding self-judgement, and practicing postures with kindness rather than pushing to the point of harm. Off the mat, Ahimsa extends to how we treat others, fostering inclusivity, understanding, and kindness. By embodying Ahimsa in both practice and daily life, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace.
Our wonderful yoga philsophy teacher Sudhir Rishi will be guiding us through this and how we can bring this into our everyday life, in his beautiful energy way!
⚡Enrollment is open for the next intake of Yoga Unwrapped© Teacher Training Programme which is starting in May 2024! AND with a NEW 6 Month format!!
✨Book your discovery call and find out more: