May 7, 2024

Tips for your yoga practice! Here’s how you can move in & out of Half Moon Balance Pose (Ardha Chandrasana) with steadiness & ease. 🤗

How often do you spend time practicing the transitions between asanas? We often focus a lot on the actual poses themselves, but the spaces in between those shapes are just as important and relevant to our practice. Perhaps we often feel like we lose our flow or our movement becomes too punctuated when we are unsure of how to transition smoothly from pose to pose.
In my Improvers Yoga Course at Heather Yoga there is a strong emphasis on creating this sense of fluidity. You will explore a variety of transitions, discovering what works best for your body and hopefully this will give you the freedom to be more playful within your practice!

🧡Improvers 6 Week Yoga Course
🧡Thursdays 6.45 – 7.45pm

🧡23rd May – 27th June

🧡Studio Only
🧡Click here to book: