Archive for category: Affirmation

Right Action

Right Action

In next months 'Flowing Into Stillness' and April’s ’Emerge, Radiant, Renewed: Spring Cleanse Workshop’ we’ll be including a variety of stress-relieving Breath Kriyas which are similar to pranayama for moving our subtle energy (Prana/ Life force) to help promote our vitality and open to deep levels of presence & relaxation, and also some cleansing kriya techniques for purifying the physical body to awaken a sweet clear mental state.

FAST REST – with Sarah Williams

FAST REST – with Sarah Williams

“Never pass up a chance to do nothing” Judith Hanson Lasater
We hope that this quote makes you smile! It’s a playful way to remind ourselves that rest is actually an important & necessary process in replenishing the body and mind so that we can function fully.

From Heather: Lets Stay Together, COVID Update, Online Offerings Continue.

From Heather: Lets Stay Together, COVID Update, Online Offerings Continue.

From this Thursday as the doors to our yoga centre temporarily close for a month, all of our online offerings will continue -  multiple daily yoga classes, themed workshops, courses, and special events - beamed from our brilliant teachers homes direct into yours, and we will keep holding the space for our amazing community in the virtual sphere with much needed connection and supporting of each other.

When is the best time to do Yoga?

When is the best time to do Yoga?

The truth is, there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to which time of the day we should aspire to roll out our mat. Each of us have different rhythms and energy patterns, which can change and fluctuate depending on our individual circumstances and the time of year, therefore it’s essential that we take our own personal wants and needs into consideration, when deciphering what time we should aim to set aside for our yoga practise.

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