You may think I’m biased saying this, but we’re damn proud of the fine selection of exceptional teachers we offer you at Heather Yoga for developing & nurturing a safe, enjoyable and satisfying Yoga & Meditation practice that supports and positively impacts your physical, mental & emotional wellbeing.
Archive for category: Online Yoga Classes

Medjool dates with walnuts & peanut butter
It's that time of year where Deb's shares with you her favourite sweet treats ahead of her upcoming Summer Flow with Debs workshop-Saturday 19th June 5pm-7pm at Heather Yoga online.

Calm your Mind. Elevate Your Mood. Charge your Energy
The ancient yogis understood the science of the breath as a way to actually master your mind & energy - using the breath as the agent to calm fluctuations and agitation of the mental space, slow down and step away from tidal wave of thoughts, to regulate, calm & restore your nervous system, harness the subtle energy for greater vitality & health, and the capacity to transform ourselves from the inside out!

Our favourite Philosophy Books That Aren’t Philosophy Books!
It can be really nice to have a variety of reading to accompany those slightly denser non-fiction Philosophy books which can take a little longer to digest. Philosophy Fiction is a great way to engage with some of life’s most important lessons. Heather Yoga would love to share two books which have been a highlight from this past year and there is a reason why they are both best sellers.
Way of the Peaceful Warrior and The Midnight Library are both enlightening and empathetic. I like to describe them as very gentle page turners which are comforting, thought provoking and fully absorbing all at the same time.

Should we breathe in through the nose or the mouth?
The ancient yogis have been studying the science of the breath for thousands of Years , and in more recent times the role of breath is becoming more & more talked about in the world of health and wellness.Breathing is intrinsically linked to our emotional and mental wellbeing. The breath is often thought to be an expression of how we are feeling.

A Chaturanga Drill
See this short clip to try out a really effective Chaturanga drill which will help you to build up strength and muscle memory to uplevel and deepen your practice. In our upcoming @Yoga Unwrapped Chaturanga Up Dog Down Dog workshop this Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May 10am-12.30pm at @Heather Yoga, we will be practicing many more fun and challenging exercises and drills which will enable you to refine your alignment and feel steady and stable for when you transition in and out of this pose.

Building Strength for Chaturanga
Chaturanga Dandasana is a really difficult and challenging pose. It is also intrinsically linked within vinyasa flow transitions and sun salutations. We use the whole of the body when we come into it and hold it, and this requires high levels of strength, integrity and skill. The most common alignment mistakes that we make in Chaturanga Dandasana occur because we haven’t given ourselves enough time to lay the ground-work and build up the necessary strength.

Stress Awareness Month April 2021
This month is about raising awareness to the causes and treatments of modern stress. Stress can catch up on us but how can we tackle it?
So many of us are experiencing high levels of stress which can play havoc to our health and because we can’t necessarily always notice it physically or we understand the way it can evolve, then it’s sometimes something we often don’t address. So it’s important to talk about it.

The Magical Neti Pot
Demoing the neti pot is never going to end up being the most glamorous angle of yourself!
But this ancient yogic nasal cleaning technique.
I’ll be introducing this alongside some other techniques which are great simple daily tools for keeping the body & mind healthy, cleansed & energised on an every day basis in the ‘Emerge, Radiant & Renewed: Yogi Spring Clean’ workshop sessions on Sundays 11th April.

Live Chat With Sarah Williams ?
Sarah Williams and Heather Gregg chat on Instagram in the run-up to her ‘Invest In Rest’ workshop on Saturday 20th March 4pm- 6pm.