Archive for category: Spring Cleanse

The Magical Neti Pot

The Magical Neti Pot

Demoing the neti pot is never going to end up being the most glamorous angle of yourself!
But this ancient yogic nasal cleaning technique.
I’ll be introducing this alongside some other techniques which are great simple daily tools for keeping the body & mind healthy, cleansed & energised on an every day basis in the ‘Emerge, Radiant & Renewed: Yogi Spring Clean’ workshop sessions on Sundays 11th April.

Right Action

Right Action

In next months 'Flowing Into Stillness' and April’s ’Emerge, Radiant, Renewed: Spring Cleanse Workshop’ we’ll be including a variety of stress-relieving Breath Kriyas which are similar to pranayama for moving our subtle energy (Prana/ Life force) to help promote our vitality and open to deep levels of presence & relaxation, and also some cleansing kriya techniques for purifying the physical body to awaken a sweet clear mental state.