Archive for category: Strength Training

A Chaturanga Drill

A Chaturanga Drill

See this short clip to try out a really effective Chaturanga drill which will help you to build up strength and muscle memory to uplevel and deepen your practice. In our upcoming @Yoga Unwrapped Chaturanga Up Dog Down Dog workshop this Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May 10am-12.30pm at @Heather Yoga, we will be practicing many more fun and challenging exercises and drills which will enable you to refine your alignment and feel steady and stable for when you transition in and out of this pose.

Building Strength for Chaturanga

Building Strength for Chaturanga

Chaturanga Dandasana is a really difficult and challenging pose. It is also intrinsically linked within vinyasa flow transitions and sun salutations. We use the whole of the body when we come into it and hold it, and this requires high levels of strength, integrity and skill. The most common alignment mistakes that we make in Chaturanga Dandasana occur because we haven’t given ourselves enough time to lay the ground-work and build up the necessary strength.

The benefits of strength training

The benefits of strength training

Yoga keeps my joints supple and draws me into my breath, helps me to be creative, builds balance and coordination and feels good for my mental health. But does it make me stronger?