Archive for category: Teacher Training

Yoga As A Support

Yoga As A Support

Yoga isn’t a ‘quick fix’ solution but it a long-term practice that helps us to navigate the demands of life, be that mental, physical or emotional. Yoga is a powerful tool of self-regulation but takes time and consistency to notice the deeper long-lasting benefits.

Sometimes we come to yoga due to a pain or discomfort such a as back problems. This could have been set off years ago when pregnant, making a quick twist in football or from a desk job with insufficient support. Yoga may not be able to cure this issue that you’ve been dealing with over years, but it can deepen your connection to your body, in turn, shining a light on what may be continuing to aggravate it and that which supports and soothes the discomfort.

The Nervous System

The Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system responds to environmental demands and helps us through changes and threats. Homeostasis is needed to put energy toward the important yet longer term projects of rest, repair and growth.

The sympathetic response, known as ‘fight or flight’ is effective and useful at times. It evolved to keep us safe and is a great way to increase our level of performance in a short-term act such as delivering a presentation or exercising. This response is an immediate and urgent one that draws our body’s energy away from ‘non-essential’ functions in that moment. Our heart rate and blood pressure increase while our immunity, fertility and digestion are put on hold.

The Body As One

The Body As One

When we look at an issue in one area of the body, we can deepen our understanding by broadening our outlook. Have you ever been for a massage, physio or osteo appointment because of a pain in a certain area in your body and they start working on a different area? It can seem counterintuitive to begin with but of course it makes perfect sense in the end. A holistic bodyworker sees each person as a collection of systems. If there’s a kink in the chain, it might be presented at a different area to the root cause. Each muscle, joint, tissue, blood vessel, organ all connect and work together to create your physical form. For example, what can appear as a severe pain in the neck could actually be from muscular tension in the shoulder, pressure on a nerve, a blockage of fluid or a whole array of other factors!

Anatomy Knowledge Connects Us To Our Bodies

Anatomy Knowledge Connects Us To Our Bodies

Like anything in life, the more we learn/see/do, the more we realise there is! The anatomy of a human body is the same, you learn about the muscles, bones and connective tissues but then you remember that each body is unique and you’re likely to come across different proportions and connections forever! What may feel great in one body may well aggravate another, and vice versa.

The Fabulous Four! Meet Our New Teachers 😊

The Fabulous Four! Meet Our New Teachers 😊

You may think I’m biased saying this, but we’re damn proud of the fine selection of exceptional teachers we offer you at Heather Yoga for developing & nurturing a safe, enjoyable and satisfying Yoga & Meditation practice that supports and positively impacts your physical, mental & emotional wellbeing.

Catching Up With Sarah Williams 😍

Catching Up With Sarah Williams 😍

Always such a delight to hear Sarah share her wisdom! Check out her workshop Journey to Rest which is suitable for everybody and not to be missed!

Sarah is also sharing with the group on our yoga mat 200 hours teacher training starting from end of October. Click here to find out more about this real life changing journey of self discovery!⭐

Following The Path Of Selfless Service

Following The Path Of Selfless Service

Karma Yoga can be interpreted as that which supports the welfare of everyone, by acting in a way that is beneficial to the entirety of all things. It follows a basic law of understanding nature with appreciation at its forefront. Knowing that the world around us and everything in it is inextricably linked. Not one thing can exist unaffected by another.

Meet The Trainees: A conversation with Heather & Louise

Meet The Trainees: A conversation with Heather & Louise

Louise is one of the amazing yoga teacher trainees who will be sharing her experiences & developments from our Yoga Unwrapped© Teacher Training Programme - including the outer & inner strength she has gained, the challenges that she has overcome, how she’s now stepping into her power, and the opportunities that are opening up for her!

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