Yoga Unwrapped©

Yoga Teacher Training

Meet The Current Trainees & Graduates





















“Four months into the course and it is everything and more that I had imagined!”

“The first time I stopped into the shala at Heather Yoga I knew it was where I wanted to train to become a yoga teacher. A few months later I was enrolled on what was to become an exciting journey of growth as I started on my yoga teacher training course with Heather!

Anatomy classes, yoga philosophy, asana practice, teaching methodology classes and teaching practice have formed the basis of our intensive weekend trainings. From the first weekend a strong community has grown between the trainees and the buddy system is fantastic, ensuring that you get to know your peers as well as having someone on hand as your cheerleader and to help you along the way.

Personally, there have been many changes and realisations since the first day of the course….The monthly reflections and journaling practice really allow you to get clear on your values and overcoming the initial lack of self confidence has been an important step. My asana self practice has become more embedded into my daily routine and alongside meditation and journaling, I have been able to put into practice off the mat some of the concepts taught by our yoga philosophy teacher, all the way from India. And the insights provided by having different teachers from all over the world is a great opportunity to delve deeper into yoga nidra, restorative yoga as well as vinyasa flow taught by Heather.

I’ve now started to teach others and although it’s nerve-wracking beforehand, the feeling I get while teaching reminds me that this is the right path for me.”


“I had my doubts …. am I flexible enough? Am I too old to learn new skills??”

“I’m so pleased I took the plunge into this life transforming journey, with the support of Heather and my fellow yogis (buddy’s).

I’m starting to grow in confidence and taking better care of myself physically and mentally and all those doubts I once had have slipped away. Each training weekend is varied with some great guest teachers covering different aspects of yoga, I like it that Heather doesn’t take herself too seriously and her sessions are fun and very interactive.

I absolutely love Heather’s Anatomy sessions, she is so passionate and knowledgeable that you will also be hooked on Anatomy in no time!

Definitely, the best thing I’ve done for myself in a very long time and hopefully I will be able to help others fall in love with yoga in the future.”


“Absolutely love the course!”

“It’s very in-depth and holistic. Our Philosophy lectures are brilliant, enlightening and very relevant in our lives today… Anatomy & physiology are well covered and offer good building blocks for future learning. I feel very supported by peers and teachers I have met. I had only been practicing yoga for a relatively short time ( just over 3 years). However due to taking early retirement I was able to attend 3 classes a week often more. I felt I wanted to progress to the next level and delve deeper into yoga, its philosophy and it’s history as well as the spiritual and subtle science. This lead me to teacher training.

The course has equipped me so far with the tools to inquire and also appreciate my limitations…One of my main initial struggles was a severely injured shoulder, which hugely benefited from yoga exercise….Through learning and adaption I now realise this ‘disability’ won’t hinder my abilities to teach and guide others. I realise now that rather than us adapting ourself to our Yoga practice, we adapt yoga to us.”


“You owe it to yourself and those around you”

“I was initially nervous about signing up to do Yoga Teacher Training. How could I consider even doing this. I was relatively new to Yoga. I was not a ‘teacher’.
One call with Heather and my nervousness had disappeared. I listened to Heather’s story about how she became a Yoga Teacher, we talked about what I had already learned from Yoga and the positive changes that it had already brought to my life.
Yoga Teacher Training would be like this, only more so.
And that is exactly what it has been.
I have learned so much from Heather and the incredible guest teachers.
The fun, camaraderie, and support, that I share with my fellow students on this course is wonderful.
The training is insightful, informative, logical, well structured, involving, and above all fun. How could it be anything else when one of Heather’s go-to instructions is “be playful”.
If you are even partially considering doing this course, you need to explore that opportunity and I would urge you to do this. You owe it to yourself and those around you.”


“The Heather Yoga Teacher Training Course is phenomenal!”

“Whether you want to become a teacher or not, this course provides an excellent opportunity to gain a greater knowledge & understanding of yoga in its entirety to deepen & progress your personal practice. Joining this training programme is one of the most positive & transformative decisions I have made.
It has really helped me to move forward in my yoga practice having felt “stuck” & stagnant prior to starting. As much as this has happened around the asana practice, it has also happened in relation to other aspects of yoga.
The philosophy is providing invaluable guidance on how to live my life, how to be as a person & in the world. Through breathwork, meditation & journaling I am developing a better understanding of myself & establishing effective daily practices & strategies to deal with the challenges of daily living.
Heather is an incredible, genuine & authentic course leader, embodying her yoga practice & leading by example. She is approachable, supportive & encouraging. Her knowledge is considerable & she shares this generously. Heather teaches with incredible skill, making all aspects interesting, relevant & enjoyable.
The three-day training weekends are full on but fly in because of the passion & enthusiasm of Heather & the other teachers on the course.
The course is meticulously planned, thoughtfully & logically structured & delivered to a high standard by Heather & all the teachers.
There is a real focus on providing a sound anatomical understanding to inform intelligent, safe sequencing & teaching. Heather’s passion for anatomy, using this to inform asana practice & to facilitate development as a competent yoga teacher is something that I feel sets her apart from other teachers & other teacher training programmes.
The environment is extremely inclusive, supportive & encouraging. Being paired up with a different student each month provides a great opportunity to get to know your fellow trainees, share experiences, be accountable & lean into each other for support.
The course is challenging & hard work but transformational on so many levels & well worth the effort required.
Overall, from my personal experience to date of the Heather Yoga Teacher Training Course, I cannot recommend this course highly enough. Sign up now, you will not regret taking this important first step on your Heather Yoga Teacher Training journey!”