Archive for tag: yogamasterclass

Should you have your feet together or apart in Tadasana/Mountain Pose?

Should you have your feet together or apart in Tadasana/Mountain Pose?

Sometimes it feels like there are so many different options available in the yoga practice. As a beginner practitioner this can get confusing and even a little daunting. So do you have your feet together or apart in this simple but very key pose?

Having your feet under your hips works well for the majority of people as it's a more natural stance and can help you feel more stable, spacious and secure - compared to feet together which is a narrower base to balance the body weight across. Everyone has a unique anatomy with individual proportions and so the spacing between the feet can look very different across many bodies.

Should you tuck your tailbone?

Should you tuck your tailbone?

This is a hot topic and tricky one to address, AND there is no one single correct answer which will be suitable for everyone! So how do we respond to this question?.....Well it depends on a couple of considerations including the different situations on the yoga mat and what you are doing & wishing to achieve!

Why should you bring the standing hand forwards of the shoulder in Side Plank (Vasisthasana)?

Why should you bring the standing hand forwards of the shoulder in Side Plank (Vasisthasana)?

You may have heard Yoga teachers cueing to “step the bottom hand a little forward” as you move into Side Plank. But why is this detail important?

In Side Plank the body is not parallel to the ground (i.e our feet are lower than the line of the shoulder joint) which means when your wrist is directly under the shoulder the angle as the shoulder is less than 90 degrees. The result is a more acute angle and a less stable weight bearing joint.