October 11, 2024

🎃Spook-ensual Babe Immersive | Saturday 26th October 6-8.30pm

Join Alis in the Halloween temple for an empowering, dark, mysterious and liberating journey, where we celebrate self-expression, joy and self-worth through the senses. This is a fully sensory immersive experience including visual projections, sensory objects, smells, playful playlist & sweet treats.*

What’s included:
+ S babe (blend of soft, playful yoga shapes and fluid movement/dance, self-massage), helping you reconnect with your body and embrace your uniqueness.
+ Playing with silk scarves
+ Halloween dress up inspired dress code
+ Option to have a fun Halloween polaroid taken of you
*Expect a decadent vegan mouth-watering treat.

Enter the temple & come drop into your body, babe!

Book here!